Saturday, December 24, 2011

Las Pozas: surrealist art in the Mexican jungle


Deep in the Mexican jungle lies a marvelous architectural project called ‘Las Pozas’. Over 36 surrealistic structures, some over 100 feet high, were built in concrete at this magnificent site by the eccentric poet, architect and arts patron, Edward James.
Turning his back to aristocratic Edwardian society, this wealthy Englishman has arrived to Las Pozas, Xilitla, in the early 1950’s to breath life into the surrealist art he loved and collected.
In the 1960s and 1970s Edward invested millions of dollars, employing hundreds of masons, artisans, and local craftsmen to realize his dream. Las Pozas is a truly magnificent place - it’s a home for exotic animals and an extraordinary surreal sculpture garden spread out over more than 20 acres of lush tropical jungle.

“In a rain forest in Mexico lies a wilderness fantasy called Las Pozas, where concrete flowers bloom in profusion, unfinished stairways spiral into the treetops, and waterfalls fill secret pools — All a day’s drive from the Texas border.”

There’s also a documentary film, by Avery Danziger, called ‘Edward James: Builder of Dreams‘ - A 60-min film that will challenges your imagination and take you on an extraordinary journey into the surreal world of Edward James.






Photos by Malú Ramírez.

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