Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Metropol Parasol ,Seville-The Great Waffle

Find one thing you do not like about this building .......!!!!!!!
It is the largest wooden structure in the world and is located in Seville. The construction began with a competition of Seville in 2004 and was completed in April this year.
Located in Plaza de la Encarnacion and continues the tradition of the city and maintain its reputation as one of the most popular cultural destinations.

Now that I look back, reminds some waffles ...




The current round-levels coins, resulting in batter on top of round metal symbols to make them round flat cakes - why the levels of coin called "Paista " (from the verb "paio" which means beat).
 The first coins of Gortyn in Crete, the reverse of the coin appears GORTYNION THE PAIMA
 (ie currency, cut - hit the town of Gortyn). 
Moreover, somewhat are made even until thereby today the coins.

The drachma - the Greek monetary unit - as the Greek coin, was 
born somewhere on the  874 BC, since then, according to the Parian Chronicle, arranged both newstandards and silver coin minted by the Mint of Aigina and ended the cycle of Life onFebruary 28, 2002, that age over 2,700 years, by replacing by the euro.
The king of Argos Pheidon he is replacing them with obols levels (= thin coins known tous) in mint built on this, the first in the world, Aegina. 
The first Greek coins were from one side had a turtle and show why and they said the "Turtles" and the other an incuse square. The National Library in Paris kept one of the oldest such coins. 
The Numismatic Museum of Athens kept a set of six spits which Pheidias had offered to the goddess Hera (Ireon) at Argos, as Aristotle tells us.
He took, as the calculated its name of the verb "I take" which means "tight I catch the amount that fits in my palm. Could fit in the palm obols six, which is why the"equivalence" was defined as the drachma 1drch. / 6 obols.
In ancient Greece, the weight of a silver drachma varied in places: in Aegina or feidoniosystem weighed 6.06 grams, the Phoenician-Rhodian ranged from 3.64 to 7.28 gramswhile in Evian-attic system from 4.366 to 8.73 grams .
Athenian Silver Tetradrachm the 6th century BC
In ancient times, many cities have adopted their own coins (silver didrachm of Pheidon,Athens tetradrachm, tetradrachm of Alexander the Great, etc.)
The drachma was stable compared to other coins, weights of the same city-state:

1 drachma = 6 obols
Drachmas 2 = 1 stater
100 drachmas = 1mna
6000 drachmas = 1 talent

A silver Drachma of the classical era that came to light in Feres, Magnesia, ancient city of perpetual life from 3000 BC as the the first century. AD, recalls the history of this important center of Thessaly.

Silver didrachm (2 Drachmas) of Knossos with Hera and layout of the corridors of the Labyrinth

A story of Jesus Christ Era
Greek Drachma Coin 1 AD
“……I don’t think I’ve ever heard a single sermon on this passage before. The reason is that it’s difficult to figure out what the point of the story is. The miracle is very cool but what is the point that Jesus is making and why does Matthew include it in his gospel? For starters let’s get some background.
The people who collect the “two-drachma tax” are not the ill-reputed “tax collectors” that the gospels often talk about. “Collectors of the two-drachma tax” are different people than the “tax collectors” so often described in the gospels. This tax is a Jewish tax for the upkeep of the Temple, (Ex 30:13-16), whereas the despised “tax collectors” are collecting money for Rome, because Israel is a vassal state. A drachma was equivalent to about a day’s wages…….”

Gortyn Tetradrachm, 200 BC to Jupiter, grandson of the goddess Gaia and Gaia in the garden of the Hesperides to keep the goddess Victory. The garden of the Hesperidesgave Gaia to Zeus at weddings in Crete with Hera.
Modern time Drachma
First Modern Drachma 1832

the last DRACHMA

After 2.700 years of history ,This is the End. I hope one day to returned

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