The refusal of the regularity or the acceptance of the unorthodox.
It is the art of everything. In the inanimate and living. The shape and meaning,
In spirit and body, logic and absurdity.
Everything is architecture. By Hermes Trismegistus, by bacterium.
The Heraclitus said ... Everything flows ....
The Architecture says .... everything in shape ..... so have art in them ..!!

Michael Balaroutsos


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Placement #1

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Imagination ... the power!

Whatever the result of local authority elections in November, we vote for people who could change the use of all the objects we see before us, to transform musical instruments and transform them into art and beauty.
Today more than ever, we want to see a more beautiful Athens, Stomp is here to remind us that only by the imagination of everyone, I changed the image of our lives and our city ..
Join them and tap your foot out loud!
Stomp come into their own hands and there is no longer a mere inanimate object. They come to show us how a man, a theater, a city can achieve harmony and rhythm

1 σχόλια:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article