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Friday, March 11, 2011

Tranformers 3 Dark of the Moon: Science Fiction or Reality Suspicion?

Recent years have increased complaints against NASA on the Apollo manned missions to the moon by 1969. The complaints focus on interception of communications between astronauts and the space center by radio and reported in dialogues between the two sides to vessels found on the moon.
Of course, NASA has refused all of them, but questions remain why NASA went out material from 40! Scams film had made the astronauts on the moon. The complaint has been made by officers of NATO. Response so far has been given by NASA.
The evidence that astronauts have found something different on the moon rise, as well as questions about why they stopped shipments from the moment that space technology has made great strides over the past 30 years. Is not allowed to return to some?
And on these points is the movie trailer «Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon» which is typical!
Watch the movie trailer that will premiere on 07/01/2011 and draw your own conclusions ...

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